Preventive Maintenance Tips:


Learn how to keep your compressor in tip top condition.

Make sure your compressor is getting a continuous supply of cool clean air. Compressors generate heat. That heat must be carried away. Heat exchangers on compressor must be inspected regularly for dirt and airflow blockage. Monitor the air temperature around the compressor periodically so that sudden changes can be recognized as abnormal.
Compressors give off heat. Dust and grime will collect on the compressor, due to the heat. Keeping a compressor clean, retards the process. Keep your compressor squeaky clean. Some compressors are better than others for transferring heat away from the cylinders. Aluminum construction of compressors greatly enhances the cooling process, but they still must be kept clean.
If you expect your compressor to serve you when you need it, you must schedule periodic inspections. Inter-stage pressures, belt tightness & condition, vibrating parts or tubing, air or oil leaks, signs of excessive heat (discolored paint), or unusual noises, are just a few things to look for.
Drain valves
drain valves
Whether manual or automatic, valves must be checked to make sure they are not leaking when closed and that all of the stages discharge condensate when opened. Watch for excess oil in the condensate - - - this is a sign of worn rings and/or cylinder wear.
Exploded Tank
The use of high pressure compressors adds an enhanced possibility of air tank explosions. Special care should be given to the inspection of hoses, cylinders and compressor blocks . Failure at high pressure can cause tremendous damage and potentially cause great injury or death. There is no need for senseless accidents if the properly designed, sized and maintained equipment is used.
Training is an important factor in the proper use and maintenance of high pressure compressors. Make sure that the supplier you depend on is able to provide you with training that covers all aspects of compressor ownership. Proper use and proper maintenance means safe operation, higher profits, and less downtime for repairs.